Source code for table_enforcer.errors

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Provide error classes."""

# Imports
from table_enforcer import __author__, __email__

[docs]class TableEnforcerError(Exception): """Base error class."""
[docs]class NotImplementedYet(NotImplementedError, TableEnforcerError): """Raise when a section of code that has been left for another time is asked to execute."""
[docs] def __init__(self, msg=None): """Set up the Exception.""" if msg is None: msg = "That bonehead {author} should really hear your rage about this disgraceful result! Feel free to tell them at {email}".format(author=__author__, email=__email__) self.args = (msg, *self.args)
[docs]class ValidationError(TableEnforcerError): """Raise when a validation/sanity check comes back with unexpected value."""